The superior mesenteric artery (SMA) is a main branch artery of the aorta. SMA syndrome is the result of a section of the small intestine getting trapped between the aorta and the superior mesenteric artery. There are several symptoms associated with SMA syndrome that sufferers may experience. Patients may feel full faster when eating a meal. Bloating also occurs after eating and is often accompanied by belching. If you frequently experience nausea and vomiting of partially digested food, it could point to SMA syndrome. A small bowel obstruction is typically observed in patients suffering from this condition, as is weight loss.
For decades, the duodenojejunal bypass and/or Strong procedure were the main surgical procedures used to correct the compression of the duodenum, but Dr. Shouhed was less than satisfied with the long-term success rates of these procedures for his patients. He focused his research and study on alternative treatment options and now offers duodenal derotation with a duodenal duodenostomy performed robotically. This is a procedure he learned from Dr. Domingo Alvear himself, who published the largest series of Duodenal Derotations performed around the world.
Dr. Danny Shouhed offers a range of treatments for reversing or eliminating the effects of SMA syndrome. At his Beverly Hills or Santa Monica, CA, offices, patients can expect to receive all the education they need on SMA syndrome and the methods used to treat the condition. A conservative approach is often successful. However, patients will likely have to make changes to nutrition and certain activities. How your body is positioned after eating can bring on SMA syndrome symptoms. Dr. Shouhed will provide guidance on positioning, in addition to offering patients the most suitable treatment options. If you are miserable due to SMA syndrome, reach out to Dr. Danny Shouhed for a consultation today.