Bariatric surgery is an effective weight loss tool for those who are struggling with obesity. Restricting the amount of food you can eat may help you make better choices to lose weight and improve your health. When it comes to bariatric surgery, there are several options available, each with their own pros and cons. Sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery are two of the most-requested weight loss surgery options. Here are the differences to help you decide which may be right for you.
Gastric Bypass Surgery
The traditional gastric bypass surgery has been used for weight loss since the 1960s. While it has changed in form over the decades, the gastric bypass is considered the gold standard in weight loss surgery. This procedure creates a small stomach pouch that is closed off from the rest of the stomach. The small pouch is attached to a limb of the small intestine – the stomach and first section of the small intestine is bypassed. Benefits of the gastric bypass procedure include:
- Restricted eating – the stomach pouch only holds a few ounces at a time
- Reduced calorie absorption in the intestines
- Gastric bypass can effectively treat patients with GERD
- Reduced appetite
- Improvement of obesity-related conditions
Gastric bypass has a high rate of success. Some of the drawbacks when comparing it to the gastric sleeve is that it is more invasive and may come with slightly higher risks of complications. It is not recommended for patients that take NSAIDs for other health conditions.
Gastric Sleeve
The gastric sleeve is a solely restrictive weight loss procedure. In this surgery, about 75-80% of the stomach is removed, creating a banana-shaped pouch. This new stomach can hold about four ounces. The smaller stomach restricts how much food can be consumed at one time and can reduce hunger and appetite. This procedure can be performed laparoscopically, making it minimally-invasive with a quick recovery time. Benefits include a high success rate with fewer risks of complications than gastric bypass. However, it does not affect absorption of calories, which can mean slower weight loss compared to gastric bypass.
Both weight loss surgeries are effective and can be wonderful tools to achieve fast, substantial weight loss for obese patients. Dr. Danny Shouhed offers both procedures and has an exceptionally low rate of complications with his patients. To learn more about the bariatric surgery options we have available, call our office in Los Angeles to schedule a weight loss surgery consultation with Dr. Shouhed.

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